Workout Wed 05/15/2013


400 meter run
20 walking lunges
20 KB swings
20 Ring Rows
400 meter run

Stations, 45 seconds of work followed by 15 second break, 3 rounds

Battling Ropes
Keg Cleans – used the 50# keg, lifted to shoulder, and a few overhead
Barbell Rows – 95# for first round; 95# for first 10 2nd and 3rd rounds, then dropped to 65# for last 10
Barbell roll outs
Slosh pipe static holds
L Sits – had to break this up into 15 second pieces
Jumping Lunges

Cardio Kickboxing

3 mi run
“Jumping” – broad jump, rear kicks, high knees, grapevine, etc.
Olympic Lifting Class: burgener warmup, Eva T clean ladder progression. We covered these drills several times, and I did mine with 75#. We also did the Eva T progression with squats inbetween the first three steps.

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