Workout 08/19/2013


800 meter run
Couch Stretch, both legs 2x for 60 seconds each
5x thru Down dog to cobra, hold each position for 30-45 seconds
5x thru Down dog to pigeon, hold each position for 30-45 seconds

Romanian Dead Lift (RDL), scale up to deficit
7×3, go as heavy as possible
My hamstrings are flexible, so I did the RDLs on a box.

20 minute EMOM of:
3 power cleans on the odd minute (135#)
5 box jumps and 5 burpees on the even minute

After the class was over, I joined the next class for their 5k run.
I finished in 21:58. It was obvious that the power cleans, box jumps and burpees had taken their toll on my running pace. Breaking 22:00 was quite challenging. It was also a bit humid out.

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