Workout 09/17/2013

I have been negligent logging my karate workouts and other miscellaneous workouts. I’m not sure how useful it is, so at this point I’ve decided to only log it when I have something of interest I learned during the class.

Karate (5am):

An interesting cue – use your forefinger and thumb to “brush” just below then through your eyebrows. Still trying to figure out what this really means. I’m sure it will reveal itself in time.  More boken training.

Crossfit (7am, Dolph):

Coach led dynamic
Burgener warmup

Clean Work
3x thru
5x  1st pull (from the ground, shoulders out past [not over] the bar, to just above the knee, shoulders still out past the bar)
5x 2nd pull (pull from the top of the knees to the waist, keep arms straight, thrust hips forward, extend onto toes but don’t just go airborne)
5x 3rd pull (“tall clean” – pull from the waist into the clean position. I need to check whether the knees should be in play here at all for this position.)

Worked with empty bar for Burgener warmup, then up to 145#. 

16 Min AMRAP
400 meter run
3 Push Jerks, heavy (115#)
6 Box Jumps (24″)
9 Toes to Bar (I finally got a better rhythm for T2B – after touching toes to the bar, thrust shoulders and hips forward quickly as your bring your feet down)

I had just finished the 5th round at about 15:20, so began the 400m run of the 6th round. When I returned the clock read 17:00, but I finished the jerks, boxes, and T2B.


8 minutes of the following:
– odd minute – hold plank for full minute
– even minute: 20 seconds of each:
— frog sit-ups
— russian twists with 16kg kettle bell
— v-sits


5 mile recovery run

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