Workout 10/01/2013
400 m run
10 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, 10 air-squats
Find 2-rep max Chest Press
Good Mornings 7 x 3
1 min max effort situps
1 min rest
4 min AMRAP:
4 jumping squats (reach up and touch a target 1ft above your fingertips)
4 clapping push-ups (scale by just getting hands off the ground, or do flag push-ups)
1 min rest
4 min AMRAP:
4 Plank-overs (1 time over is one rep)
6 walking lunges (3 lunges with each leg)
1 min rest
1 min max effort sit-ups (try to meet or exceed the count from your first set)
Worked on double-unders
Worked on halting deadlift
Worked on 95# snatch followed by 3 overhead squats