Workout 10/14/2013 – Fight Gone Bad
Body balance; body care. Lesson on not using the mirror. No, not the mirror on the wall, but the center and side-view mirrors. Bokutan. Sensei scratched our backs vigorously today… not really sure why. He has his methods. Maybe he’s “Miyagi-ing” me. Hangetsu kata. Extra stretching afterwards.
4 Rouds NFT:
10 Jumping squats
7 burpees
10 inchworm push-ups
Fight Gone Bad
I was really worried about FGB today because my back has been extremely tight and at times, painful just to move over the last two weeks, since I PRd my back squat. But now most of the pain is only on the right side of my back.
I worked with Jeff counting his reps for his three rounds of FGB, while I did what I could to loosen up my back. It was still tight once I started, but my hope was the physical activity would loosen it up further.
Push press – 40,36,40; I was amazed. I had planned to do about 20 based on my previous score.
Box jumps – 28,27,28; step-ups. One day I’ll get past my fear of ripping open my shin again 🙂
Sump-Dead High-Pull – 18,16,17; I could have done much more but my back was limiting me here.
Row – 18,18,15; again; my back was limiting me or I might have squeezed out another calorie or two
Wall Ball – 20,17,17; I dislike wall balls. I need to get past it. I should be doing almost 30 of these. Yes, my tight back affected performance here too.
The good news is my score improved from 314 to 355. Most of this was from the push-press, which I practically doubled. I found it was largely about the form and timing of the push. I also thank Jeff for his support, coaching me along to get another rep or two. Also, my numbers were more consistent round to round, where back in May my wall-ball score tanked each round. I started out more conservatively on the wall-ball this time, so pacing certainly helped.