Workout 03/11/2013

Karate: flexibility
Push-ups: 65+
Sit-ups: 65+
Side plank: 65+ sec ea side

3 mile run with 100m striders


Warmup: 3 min jump rope
Couch stretch
Shoulder and wrist mobility: hold 10 lb plates in palms like cup and saucer then twist them behind back and above head

Deck Press
3 x 5, moderate weight; 95#, 115#, 125#
3 x 3, heavier weight, 145#, 155#, 155#

4 rounds:
400m run
12 kettle bell swings; 24kg
12 ring row push-ups
12 box jumps; 24″
Total time: 14:20
Then I did one extra round and finished at about 19″


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