Workout Thursday July 19, 2018 7am
4 rounds of 10 reps each (mostly repeats of exercises I’ve done in the last several weeks; no muscle confusion just two days before the triathlons):
65# DB hack squats aka suitcase squats (stay off toes and keep weight centered or back) power through the heels not the toes
20# single dumbbell (holding it with both hands) alternating reverse lunge with curl into overhead press
45# DB plank with alternating row (10 each side)
Burpee pull-up
16kg KB weighted back extension (power up, slow descent)
Alternating side 20# med ball slams, twisting to one side and bending back leg so knee points toward other foot
55# DB pull over on bench (tricep overhead ext) extending legs out at the same time
60 seconds max effort on rower (305 meter average)