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My 12th Rock’n’Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon 09/15/2013

Sunday, September 15th, 2013

I left for the Rock’n’Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon at 6:20am, and arrived around 7am, but there was nowhere to park nearby. So I drove away from the start and ended up parking near Broad St and Spring Garden, which is about 1.5 miles from the start of the race. I don’t remember it being this crowded in the last 11 years I’ve done it, but I must admit that most often, Jeannie drives and drops me off at the start.

I spent so much time searching for parking, that I didn’t head to the start until 7:40. I stopped and used the port-o-potties along the course because I knew the ones at the start would have huge lines. I arrived at the start during the National Anthem. I stopped in my tracks and waiting for the Anthem to finish. Then I worked my way toward corral #2 but ended up in corral #3. This was no problem since I was wearing a chip, but in retrospect, it did keep from rushing out of the start too fast. I took my GU and we started at about 8:02:30. My first mile was about 6:55, which is slow for this race. The next couple miles were around 7:05. My lack of training was already showing.

I wore may Garmin GPS watch but it was off by 1/10th of a mile after the second mile. In addition, I tried to use the RunKeeper app on my iPhone to track my time, give me audible alerts, and let the family know where I was with RunKeeper Live. Unfortunately, it couldn’t get a satellite signal at the start, and so I just clicked “Start” hoping it would acquire the signal eventually. It started giving me quarter-mile splits right away so I knew something was wrong. I hadn’t even finished the first mile, but it had given me way too many quarter-mile splits, announcing that my pace was about 30 seconds per mile. Phenomenal! The voice was getting annoying, but I kept it on with hopes that it would help the family know where I was. Once I passed Jeannie, Matt and Pete around mile 4.5, I turned it off. Without the GPS signal, it was useless and distracting. After the race was over, I checked the RunKeeper website, and it reported that I had ran 28 miles when in fact I had only run 5 before I shut it off. Next race, I will be sure to get satellite lock earlier. It’s a great tool to have the audible alerts and they have worked pretty well in the past. Hopefully this issue is a one-time thing.

At the point in the race when I saw the family, I was running slower than expected. My miles were edging toward 7:30 per mile, and this is no surprise really. I didn’t train properly for this race. I told Jeannie when I saw her that I would be later than expected. I had high hopes of a finish between 1:30 and 1:35, but with 7:30 miles, that wasn’t going to happen. In fact, my knees were tight and giving me pain, as was my right hip flexor. And because I knew my finish would be slower than usual, I wasn’t very motivated. I took my second GU and was feeling down and wanted to quit at mile 5. But then I thought about all the people that can’t run but want to. I also thought about all the people that might have to walk parts of the race and wish they could have kept running. So, I pushed on. I locked into someone ahead of me with a red shirt, and maintained their pace until I felt comfortable and passed them, thanking them in the process.

The run along Kelly Drive was scenic, and I counted down the miles: 6, 7, 8. The Falls Bridge was a welcome visual from about a half-mile away — mile 9! I knew from that point, I was heading back to the finish. Sure, it’s another 4.1 miles but at least I was headed in the direction of the finish. I took my third GU and set my eyes on another runner ahead to reel in. I worked through the next few miles, trying to keep my tempo in synch with the music: miles 10 and 11.

At mile 12, I called Jeannie to let her know I had a mile left. I tried using voice commands with my iphone 4 to call her, but it wasn’t understanding “Call Jeannie Sconzo”. So, I swiped while running and made the call. Hopefully the iPhone 5s works much better at understanding voice commands than the 4 does, especially while running. With the RunKeeper failure and problems with voice calling, I’ll be glad to have a new phone soon — Sept 20!

As I approached the finish line, I was feeling strong and sprinted. Overall, the issue I had throughout the race was I just couldn’t muster consistent speed, but at least I felt stronger once I overcame my depression at mile 5.

I met up with Jeannie and the boys, and we walked the 1.5 miles back to the cars. I split off to head to a jump-rope seminar with PunkRope at 11:30.

The race, as always, was exciting and the course was well marked. There were several people dressed in fun colors, or costumes, like Elvis. There were lots of spectators, and the bands along the course were great. One negative was that the water tables seemed slightly overwhelmed. It’s possible there weren’t enough volunteers to man the water stations because as I went through, many runners were retrieving their own water from the tables which seemed to cause some backup in places. But that is my only complaint. Great race — looking forward to doing it again next year.

Now, onto the Citizen’s Bank Park Spartan Sprint on Sept 28, Tough Mudder on Oct 12, Princeton Half Marathon on Nov 3, and Trenton Half Marathon on Nov 9.

Workout 09/12/2013

Thursday, September 12th, 2013


1 R
Fight gone bad (FGB)
60% intensity


Deck Press
7×3, increase load. Started with 135#, worked up to 205#


“Lunging Nancy”

5 rounds for time of:
– Walking Lunges to the curb and run backwards to garage door
– 95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps


Workout 09/11/2013

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013



9/11 MetCon:

2001 Meter Run
11 Box Jumps 24
11 Thrusters (first two at 135#, then dropped to 95#)
11 Burpee to Chest to Bar Pullups (scaled to regular pullups)
11 Power Cleans 135#
11 KB Swings 32kg
11 Toes to Bar
11 Dead Lifts 225#
11 Push Jerks 95#
2001 Meter Run

Time: 32:15

5 min EMOM:
10 frog situps with 24kg KB, then 10 second hold on parallel bars

Bodyfit class – 35 mins of 30 sec rounds of:
Medicine ball slams (15lb)
Kettle bell swings (two 25 lb KBs)
Banded arm swings
Rope pull/whip
V-Sit with med ball touching feet
Chest press with 15lb DB with hips raised and feet flat
Reverse get ups

Workout 09/10/2013

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013


Jump Rope practice 5 minutes
7 box jumps
7 frog situps
7 jumping air squats

High Bar Back Squat (HBBS)
Dolph said to stay with 80% of your 1RM, but in the last to sets, I increased by 20#:
135#, 185#, 185#, 185#, 185#, 205#, 205#

21-15-9 reps of:
Hang squat clean, 115#
Handstand push-ups

Workout 09/09/2013

Monday, September 9th, 2013


1 Mile run (this was changed to 800m, but I just did the mile)
squat therapy
couch stretch
samson stretch

Push Jerk
15 minutes to establish 3 rep max.
I worked up to 175# for a 3-rep max. I might have been able to go a bit more (maybe 180) but ran out of time.

400 meter run
5 minutes AMRAP
10 Kb Swings (24kg)
10 Pushups
400 meter run
5 minute AMRAP
10 OH walking lunges, 45#
5 Stone to Shoulder  – I was late picking out my stone, and got stuck with 70# 🙁
400 meter run

My left knee has been exceptionally tight today, after yesterday’s long run.

6 mins of tabata: 20 sec of frog situps, 10 sec of hollow body position

Workout 09/06/2013

Friday, September 6th, 2013


400 meter run
Squat Therapy 5 minutes
Couch stretch
down dog to cobra 4x thru

Front Squat
7×3, 80%
*first two sets I did 7 reps
7 @ 95#
7 @ 135#
3 @ 135# (Bill Tindall joined in here)
3 @ 155#
3 @ 155#
3 @ 185#
3 @ 185# (This is [was] my 1RM)

18 minute EMOM
Odd Minute
– 1 sprint curb and back
Even Minute
– 5 Stone Deads (used 145#)
– 10 Double Unders (I’m getting one every 3 to 4 regulars now. The new ropes Dolph made are a big help)

– 12 mi bike ride (would have gone longer but got a flat tire)

CrossFit Benchmark Workouts and The New Girls

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

This information is sourced from the library. I’m just placing them here for ease of access.

Note: The first twelve (“The Girls” and “The New Girls”) are now known as The Benchmark Girls. The last six are now known as “The New Girls”, effectively replacing the original “New Girls”

“The Girls” aka “The Benchmark Girls”


For time:

  1. 100 pull-ups
  2. 100 push-ups
  3. 100 sit-ups
  4. 100 squats


5 rounds for time – 3 minutes rest between rounds of:

  1. 20 pull-ups
  2. 30 push-ups
  3. 40 sit-ups
  4. 50 squats


30 Min EMOM of:

  1. 5 pull-ups
  2. 10 push-ups
  3. 15 squats


21-15-9 reps; 3 rounds for time, of:

  1. 225# deadlift
  2. Handstand push-ups


21-15-9 reps; 3 rounds for time, of:

  1. Clean 135#
  2. Ring dips


21-15-9 reps; 3 rounds for time, of:

  1. Thruster 95#
  2. Pull-ups

“The New Girls” aka “The Benchmark Girls”


Snatch 135#, 30 reps for time


For time:

  1. Row 1,000 meters
  2. Thruster 45#, 50 reps
  3. 30 Pull-ups


Wall-ball 150 shots


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2 and 1 rep for time of:

  1. Clean ¾ bodyweight
  2. Bench bodyweight
  3. Deadlift 1½ bodyweight


AMRAP 20 min of:

  1. 5 Handstand push-ups
  2. 10 1-legged squats, alternating legs
  3. 15 pull-ups


Five rounds for time of:

Run 400 meters
Overhead squat 95#, 15 reps

“The New(er) Girls”


50-40-30-20 and 10 for time of:

  1. Double-unders
  2. Sit-ups


5 Rounds for time of:

  1. Run 800 meters
  2. 2 pood* KB swing, 30 reps
  3. 30 pull-ups
* 1 pood =36 lbs; 1.5 pood = 54 lbs; 2 pood = 72 lbs.


5 Rounds for time of:

  1. Run 400 meters
  2. 30 box jump, 24″ box
  3. 30 wall ball shots, 20# ball


5 Rounds for max reps; no time component, of:

  1. Bodyweight bench press
  2. Pull-ups


AMRAP 20 mins of:

  1. Run 400 meters
  2. Max rep pull-ups


9, 7 and 5 reps for time of:

  1. Muscle-ups
  2. Snatches (135#/95#)

Workout 09/05/2013

Thursday, September 5th, 2013


3 Rounds, not for time (3RNFT)
– 5 pull-ups
– 10 push-ups
– 15 air squats
Pass-throughs, PVC rolls on hamstrings and glutes (hamstrings are on fire today)

Snatch Balance and Overhead Squats
– Complete the 10 (OHS) immediately after the 10 Snatch Balance
3×10  60%  (95#)
Note: on the second set, I did each OHS after each snatch balance.
Note 2: I failed a few times and dropped the bar. If you’re not failing, you’re not working hard enough.
I used 95# for this workout, which is heavier than 60% of my 1RM snatch. I got through the workout in good time, but it left me a bit fatigued for the WOD. I’m fine with that, as I am employing the “don’t be afraid to finish last” adage more often these days. (see article:

3 Rounds for time
– Run 400m
– 15 Thrusters (95#)
– 15 chest-to-bar (C2B) Pull-ups

Note to self: I don’t feel I have improved on my pull-ups. Yes, I can do 5-7 dead-hang pull-ups, but I feel I’ve been there for a while. I need to consistently work on these.

Workout 09/04/2013

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013


10 each side, Step Ups, one foot on box
10 Jumping Air Squats
10 KB Swings

3×10 65% one rep max (135# x 10, 145# x 10, 155# x 10)

15 Min AMRAP
3 Burpees
5 Power Cleans, 70% 1 rep max (135# but my form degraded so this was a bit too heavy)
10 Double Unders

Workout 09/03/2013

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013


800 meter run
4 Rounds for time: (empty bar)
10 good mornings
10 Romanian dead lifts

Dead lift and strict press
3 x 10 60% 1RM
Dead lift: 185 (unbroken)
Strict press: 95 (failed at 8, then 2 more)

10 min EMOM
– 7 push-ups
– 7 KB swings
– 7 toes to bar

* Dolph said that if after the first five sets you find that you are not finishing all the reps, decrease to five reps of each exercise.
* He also said, instead of swinging the kettlebell overhead, go heavier and swing to eye-level. So I went with 32kg and did as suggested.