Nate’s ATC Week Four
Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009Stretching
Warm up run – 5 mins
1) Routine 1: Sprint combos
– Sprint across the soccer field and back to the white line
– From a squat position (feet apart) standing on an elastic band (thick blue one), rise into an overhead press with the bands (repeat reps quickly for 60 seconds – approx 35 reps)
– Sprint across the soccer field and back to the white line
– Again, squat into an overhead press, stretching the blue elastic band overhead.
– Sprint across the soccer field and back to the white line, repeat the sprint again.
– Bicep curls for 30 seconds (approx 25)
– Repeat bicep curls for 30 more seconds (20 more)
– Sprint across the soccer field and back to the white line.
– Skater jumps in place (jump side to side, tuck right leg behind left knee and right hand touches the group outside the left foot, jump to right foot switching position)
– In push-up position, draw right knee to chest, then extend right leg behind and into the air, toward the ceiling, then switch legs. continue for 60 seconds
– Sprint across the soccer field and back to the white line, repeat the sprint again.
– Again, push-up position, draw right knee to chest, then extend right leg behind and into the air, toward the ceiling, then switch legs. continue for 60 seconds.
– Sprint across the soccer field and back to the white line
– For a third time, push-up position, draw right knee to chest, then extend right leg behind and into the air, toward the ceiling, then switch legs. continue for 60 seconds.
2) Routine 2: Repeat two times total
– Across the width of the soccer field, perform a squat jump immediately followed by a burpee, repeat until you reach the other end of the field.
– Once we reached the other end of the field, hold a squat position with arms out to the side for 60 seconds
– Side to side shuffle suicide: shuffle in a low squat side to side (without crossing feet) to the first cone and back, then to the second, then the third, then to the other end of the field.
– Once at the other end of the field, hold a squat position with arms out to the side for 60 seconds
3) Repeat three times
– We broke into four teams, one in each corner of the soccer field. Teams in opposite corners did the first exercise, other teams did exercise #2
– Exercise #1: ski jumps across the width of the soccer field, side to side across the yellow line, when we reached the other end, we dropped into a push-up position and held for about 20 seconds
– Exercise #2: holding a push-up position, quickly raise the right arm out in front, then quickly raise the left arm out in front; repeat for 90 seconds
4) Abdominal work
– Crunch pulses: crunch up and hold for 2 seconds, then come down half way (NOT to a resting position; stomach is tight the whole time), repeat x 25
– Right side crunch pulses: legs bent at 90 degrees and on the ground; crunch and hold for 2 seconds, then come down half way; repeat x 25
– Left side crunch pulses: legs bent at 90 degrees and on the ground; crunch and hold for 2 seconds, then come down half way; repeat x 25
– Stretch in yoga up-dog
– Legs straight up in the air, lift legs and hips into the air; hold for 1 second then through the count of 3 to 1, lower the hips to the ground; repeat x 25
– Stretch in child’s pose, switch to up-dog, and repeat stretch
5) Stretch and cool down
– Stretch routine
– Run around the soccer field five times