Archive for May, 2013

Workout Sat 05/04/2013

Saturday, May 4th, 2013


Warm up:
Couch Stretch, samson stretch, yoga poses, hip mobility 

800 meter run
50 pullups
100 pushups
150 air squats
800 meter run

Total time: 18:41
I broke this up as follows: 10 rounds of: 5 pullups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats
After the first two rounds of strict dead-hang pull-ups, I had to start use kipping to complete the sets of pull-ups.

Once done with the mini-murph, Alex invited me to join him and several others for another workout:

Every Two Minutes, for 30 minutes (is this an altered “Chelsea”?):

5 squat cleans (115#) – I’m finally learning to get under the bar a bit here, but catching the clean while squatting
10 over-the-box jumps, (but I just did box jumps)
15 double-unders

Sadly, after the 7th or 8th set I slammed my shin into the box again. Took a short break to clean up, massage out the bubble of fluid that collected, and try to get ice on it. Then I returned.

For the remainder of the workout, I substituted the box jumps for 5 additional squat cleans.

I believe I keep hitting my left shin on the box because my left knee is so much tighter than my right knee.

Workout Fri 05/03/2013

Friday, May 3rd, 2013


1 round of FGB, roughly one minute of max reps of each, empty Bars
Push Press
Box Jump
Wall Ball

Deck Press
5×5 (95#, 95#, 115#, 115#, 125#), 5×3 (125#, 125#, 125#)

15 min EMOM
3 Stone to Shoulder (115lb stone)
6 Box Vaults (24″ box)

easy 3 mile run on treadmill (testing shin splints, yep still there), 8 min miles.

Lots of stretching
Semi-free sparring
Enpi, Jion (worked on the steps after the Migi Jodan Morote Uke). When moving into Gedan Juji Uke, my left heel was turning ever so slightly out of place. Then when landing in Gedan Juji Uke, my right foot was turned slightly to the right. Need to land with the toes pointed left. My Jodan Juji Uke, Migi Ura Zuki Hidari Age Uke, Migi Jodan Nagashi Uke, and Migi Jodan Ura Zuki were all too high, per Sensei’s instruction. I always thought these were blocks (or attacks) to the opponents face. Apparently not.

Workout Thu 05/02/2013

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013


800 meter run
length of floor and back
Broad Jumps
Bear Crawl

Snatch Grip Deadlift
5×5 (135#, 135#, 185#, 185#, 185#)

‘Nasty Nancy’
4 Rounds (actually did 5 rounds)
15 Power Snatch, (95# for 1st 3 rounds, then dropped to 75#)
15 OHS, (95# for 1st 3 rounds, then dropped to 75#)
1 Sled drive, push or pull, from garage door to curb and back, 135 or 90#

Workout Wed 05/01/2013

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013


jump rope
couch stretch
samson stretch
10 passes down dog to cobra

Good Mornings
7×5 (45, 65, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125#)

5 Rounds (then did two extra rounds after a 2 minute rest)
20 steps OH Walking Lunges (with 45# plate)
5 Bent Over Rolls (95#)
5 Barbell roll outs

