Archive for April, 2013

Workout 04/06/2013

Saturday, April 6th, 2013


Met Tim 1/2 hour before class to get in some extra sparring.
Worked on two-on-one attacks, semi free, and niju-shiho with some bunkai.


Warmup: couch stretch, samson stretch, hip opener.

WOD: Will You Still Love Me When I’m 64?
4 Rounds for Time:

1 Mile Run
16 pull-ups
16 push-ups
16 sit-ups
16 air squats

Completed this in 38 mins, 52 secs. Looked like one of the fastest time of the day. Grueling workout, and the pull-ups were my achilles heel. After the first two rounds, I could no longer do dead hang pull ups. I resorted to… hate to say it… jumping pull ups. Alex caught me doing this and told me I’m getting no benefit from doing them. So, after the workout, in my depleted state, I started working on kipping pullups. It requires a certain amount of finesse. I’m still not sure they are better than dead hang pull ups. Sure, they’ll get your workout done faster, but I need to figure out why they are better than jumping pull-ups. Perhaps it’s more about training the timing of your hips, shoulders, arms and legs for the kip than improving strength for the pull-up? I’ll be sure to ask for Alex’s assistance next week as I work more on this. It will be a focus point for me.

Ultimately, aside from the pull-ups, this workout was made for me. Thanks to Donna who came up with the original idea of 1 mile run, 64 pullups, 1 mile run, 64 pushups, 1 mile run, 64 situps, 1 mile run, 64 air squats. I suggested the modification to break each round of 64 reps into sets of 16. And Happy 64th birthday to her!


32 burpees, 32 mountain climbers, 32 jumping jacks.

Workout 04/05/2013

Friday, April 5th, 2013

I didn’t run to crossfit today, because I needed to get to work earlier than usual.


10x thru Down Dog to Cobra
Foam (PVC) Roll
Ankle Mobility
10 each 3x thru  ring rows, box jumps, push ups, sit ups, couch stretch, samson stretch

7×3  Alternate between the two movments
Deck Press and Bent over Row

Deck Press: 95#, 95#, 115#, 115#, 125#, 135#, 145#

Three 4 min AMRAP Couplets, one minute rest between

4 Ring Dips and 8 KB Swings (24kg)
4 Ring Push Ups and 8 Hollow Rocks (make sure to hyper extend elbows in with a twist at the top of each ring push up)
4 HSPU and 8 Air Squats (HSPU=hand stand push up)


1 mile run, more PVC rolling, stretching, couch stretch again (left knee is still very tight after running)

How Bad Do You Want Success?

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

A friend sent this video to me, which was pretty inspiring. Check it out, but if you’re short on time, here are the choice quotes from the motivational video:

How Bad Do You Want It (Success)?

  [Imagine you are drowning.] “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.”
  “Most people say they want to be successful but you don’t want it bad. You just kind of want it. You don’t want it as much as you want to be cool. You don’t want it as much as you want to party. And you don’t want it as bad as you want to sleep. Do you love sleep more than success?”
  “If you want to be successful, you gotta be willing to give up sleep. Don’t go to sleep until you succeed.”
  “You gotta want to be successful so bad, that you forget to eat.”

Workout 04/04/2013

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

CrossFit Games Open 13.5

The open competition states: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
100 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups

However, at CFM we just made it a 12 minute WOD. And I had to scale this by using 75 pounds instead of 100. Dolph didn’t want us constantly resting. I did dead-hang pullups until failure than finished each set of 15 with jumping pullups. I completed six sets, and started the seventh with 11 of 15 thrusters.

Note: my wrists were killing me from holding the bar in the clean position with my elbows out before and after the press. Guess that will improve over time.


30 burpees, 30 jumping jacks, 30 mountain climbers
3 minutes of jump rope, playing with double unders again
10 handstand pushups, 30 wall ball squats and 30 slam balls
2 sets of parallette holds.

Track Work with HATRs at Robbinsville HS Track:

Speed work – 800, 400, 200 and 100 meter intervals.

6×800 @ 2:56 (best was 1st one @ 2:48)
4×400 @ 1:20 (best was 1:19)
4×200 @ 0:38
4×100 @ 0:17 (best was last one @ 0:16)

In the end, it was just Brad Colbeck and I. Good job to Brad for sticking it out through his whole workout. I’m glad I stayed as well.


Workout 04/03/2013

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013


Squat therapy 3 minutes
Couch Stretch
Ankle Mobility
20 air squats
20 walking lunges (hold the lunge for 5 seconds at the bottom and create torque by pushing the knee to the outside)


Low Bar Back Squat
7×2 (45, 45, 45, 65, 65, 85, 95, 115)


400 Meter run
9 Power Cleans  135/95 (I did 135, which was a challenge for me but I got through it. 2 failures, so I had to repeat twice)
12 Box Jumps

 Took me just over 14 minutes to finish.
6 mile run with Dimitri, approx 8:10 pace.
Dinner: Olympic Lifting Class.
Bergener Warmup.
Reviewed 3 positions for the snatch. In position 3, I need to push my knees laterally, even more, and push my hips back more to make my shins more perpendicular to the floor. Then as I lift the bar, focus on bringing the hips forward and then landing in a 1/4 or full squat.
Learned the halting deadlift: with heavy weight, pull to just below the knees and pause, then just above the knees and pause again, then to the top position of the deadlift, then position 1 (drop the knees just a bit) then position 2 (just above the knees) and back to the top of the deadlift, then back to the floor. If you do this with enough weight, Russell Chell said two of these will crush you 🙂 I need to try this on Saturday.

Workout 04/02/2013

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

Flashlight analogy (what’s inside is important; 4 batteries); grip training tool (holding it backwards)
Heian Godan, Bassai Dai, Sochin

800 Meter Run
Couch Stretch
Pass throughs
Burgener Warmup

Snatch Balance – I worked with an empty bar, then 65#, then 85#. My knees need to be more pliable before I can squat under heavier weights.
spend 30 Minutes working Snatch Balance

12 Min EMOM
5 Pullups or ring rows or jumping pull ups
15 DB Unders or 30 regular jump rope
I still don’t have double-unders figured out, so I burned up the remainder of each minute trying to get 15 of them.

Workout 04/01/2013

Monday, April 1st, 2013


4 mile run – testing out my shin splints


15 air squats
15 box jumps
3 mins of jump rope
couch stretch

5 Rounds for Time:
400 meter run
12 x atlas stone to shoulder @ 115LB

Unfortunately, I can’t remember my time. Guess I’ll have to do it again 🙂