500m row for time: 1:39
Air squats: 49 reps (slight form lost at 35sec / forward lean)
Seated row machine, 40#: 48 reps
Alternating forward lunge: 39 reps
Tabletop alt arm/leg 60 sec: 52 reps (no sign of fatigue)
Push-ups for 60sec on knees: 41 reps
3 rounds, 7 exercises, 10 reps each:
25# kB single leg deadlift (10 each leg)
30” decline pull up on Smith machine (try not to use hips to compensate for back muscle fatigue)
30# dumbbell shoulder press
single leg split squat with 20# dumbbells
Hamstring curl on stability ball
Knee drives (like mountain climber) with hands on stability ball in plank position
Ab roll outs on stability ball